Song of Baseball Enthusiasts

Director:  Akira Kato
Year: 1979
Rating: 6.0

Aka - Baseball Mad Poem: Northern Wolf,  South Tige

Aka - Yakyukyô no uta

The Tokyo Mets are the bad news bears of professional baseball in Japan. That doesn't deter their fans who come out in force to cheer or boo them. One of their pitchers is the southpaw Tetsu who is in his fifties looking for his 200th win and with a fastball that a fly literally rests on as it goes to the plate. In the final game of the season, he gets bombed but refuses to let them take him out. He is a legend and was once great. After the game he makes an announcement which everyone assumes will be his goodbye speech to baseball. Instead, he promises to be back the following year and the fans riot and try to beat him up. This is a harmless light comedy that has its charms and a lot of baseball.

Tetsu says until they find another left-handed pitcher, he will keep playing. A scout finds one in high school. A girl. With a submarine delivery and a ball that moves like a flamenco dancer. Yuki is as cute as a button with legs that could double for straws. She has no real desire to go pro though especially as a woman where she knows she will get a lot of flack but Tetsu finally convinces her to at least come out and throw to him. He wants to see if she is really as good as she looked to him. When she strikes out the legend Katsuya Nomura (played by him), he knows she is the real thing.  In her first game, she comes in as a relief pitcher with men on base and the game on the line.

 It's a sweet movie that is easy to drink down and will leave a good taste. Tetsu is played with nutty loud energy by Asao Koike who you generally see as a tough guy in Yakuza films - here he is a teddy bear. Yuki is played by Mieko Nobusawa who has a nice wind-up but isn't too convincing as a pitcher. She has mainly been a voice actress in anime - Summer Wars, Kiki's Delivery Service. Lee Joo-young is more convincing as a female baseball pitcher in the Korean film, Baseball Girl (2020).

The film is based on a manga by Shinji Mizushima that was published from 1972 to 1976 and then adapted into this live action film, an anime film and an anime TV series. Those follow the career of Yuki past where this film does.