Hong Kong Action Cinema
by Bey Logan
  The Overlook Press - 1995
Paperback - 184 pages - $22

This book is a terrific introduction to HK films - focusing almost entirely on the action element of HK cinema.

Logan who has appeared in a few HK films (Circus Kids) and screen written another (Ballistic Kiss) is very much an enthusiast of HK film and he covers a lot of territory here. The first few chapters discuss the predecessors to today's action stars - such as Kwan Tak Hing who played Wong Fei Hung on the screen for many years, Jimmy Wang Yu and of course Bruce Lee.

Other chapters cover the careers of Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung, John Woo and the subjects of ghost stories, fighting females and comedy capers. There are a number of sidebars in which he gives interesting information on a number of diverse subjects.

A very good read with a great number of pictures.