Michiko Nishawaki is simply one of the most stunning women in the world. Not only does she have a beautiful face, but a body that has won bodybuilding contests in her native country, Japan.

Her acting career was already successful in Japan when she received her first break in HK films in 1985 in the Jackie Chan film - My Lucky Stars. Her appearance in this film though small is truly incredible. She walks out into a hallway where Sibelle Hu is waiting for her. She readys for the fight by slowly lowering her kimono to reveal a bathing suit and her amazing physique underneath.

She became one of the Girls with Guns stars through the 1980's and early 90's where more often than not she had to play the villianess. She was wonderful with these roles - giving them a real evil sizzle. Another small but unforgetable role was in Chow Yun Fat's God of Gambler where she plays a beautiful tatooed Yakuza gambler. She has also been able to play the good guy on occasion, but I must admit a weakness for her as the bad woman.

Recently her acting career has pretty much dropped off but she has done work as a stunt double and other behind the scenes work on Sammo's Martial Law and on the film Red Corner.

These are some films that contain some of the best Michiko roles.

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